在Notepad++的菜单栏,选择「格式」,「以UTF-8编码」,有无BOM都行,然后看到后面的乱码正常显示中文了: 而且,如果使用非UTF-8字符打包Json,Jansson是会返回「Invalid UTF-8 string」错误信息的,当然前提是使用json_pack_ex函数。 /* 文件以ANSI格式存储,keil MDK默认的格式 */ char *zhongwen = "中文"; root ...
而且,如果使用非UTF-8字符打包Json,Jansson是会返回「Invalid UTF-8 string」错误信息的,当然前提是...
为了方便,送出的是汉字的调试信息。一夜之间,Keil编译时提示“warning: #870-D: invalid multibyte character sequence”,就是说编译器不支持多字节字符,一个源文件上百条。而且,在超级终端中的调试信息全部变成了乱码。网上搜索了一下解决办法: 在源文件中加入编译器选项,#pragmadiag_suppress 870,就可以禁止出现这...
<InvalidFlash>1</InvalidFlash> </TargetStatus> <OutputDirectory>.\</OutputDirectory> <OutputName>HS6200_demo</OutputName> <CreateExecutable>1</CreateExecutable> <CreateLib>0</CreateLib> <CreateHexFile>1</CreateHexFile> <DebugInformation>1</DebugInformation> <BrowseInformation>1</BrowseInformation...
Invalid connection string format, a valid format is: "host:port:sid" 2019-12-12 16:49 −报错信息: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Io 异常: Invalid connection string format, a valid forma... niceyoo 0 4563 layui 报错 jQuery is not defined ...
6 修改.c文件编码格式为UTF-8。简单程序测试:GUI_UC_SetEncodeUTF8();GUI_SetFont(&GUI_Fontso...
-Wno-invalid-utf8 -Wno-empty-translation-unit The errors still persist and I cannot seem to fix that even by adding the correct path to where the missing file is located Doing that, creates tons and tons more errors of duplicate declarations etc. ...
I would like convert date string to isoDate this node-dateformat module but i've error : TypeError: Invalid date My code : Any idea about this problem ? Thank you :) This is an i18n based date parsing... JMX + Supporting Web GUI ...
1.keil 5 中文字符乱码 Keil突然出现一个警告:#870-D: invalid multibyte character sequence,指向的语句是 main.h增加 #pragma diag_suppress 870 STM32 编译后不能运行编译和连接均可以经过, 但uVision
MK10DN128xxx5, MK10DN32xxx5, MK10DN64xxx5, MK10DX256xxx7, MK10DX128xxx10, MK10DX128xxx...