给Keil uv5安装新的器件pack时报错。本以为是版本问题,因为以前安装STM32F4的软件包时因为安装的包太新了而报错。于是这次安装STM32L0系列时就下了好几个更低版本的包试试,发现还是报错:Cannot copy psdc file to “.download” folder 。 ——— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「迷理...
下载Keil5的芯片包时,总是出现“cannot create temporary folder”是怎么回事,有大佬知道吗?8815 扫一扫,分享给好友 复制链接分享 链接复制成功,分享给好友问答对人有帮助,内容完整,我也想知道答案 0 0 2020-10-20 19:03:00 评论 淘帖 邀请回答 张钊 相关推荐 • KEIL5 pack包出现很多error,怎么解...
Create a new Directory and a New Project: 1. Click on Project/New µVision Project… 2. In the window that opens, shown here, go in: C:\MDK\Boards\ST\STM32F746G_Discovery\ 3. Right click in this window and select New and create a new folder. I called it BlinkyNEW. 4. ...
A Create New Project window opens: 2. In this window, shown here, navigate to the folder C:\00MDK\Boards\Keil\MCB54110\ 3. Right click in this window and select New (or click New Folder) and create a new folder. I called it BlinkyNEW. 4. Double click on BlinkyNew to open it ...
3. Create a folder C:\00MDK\NXP\ 4. Unzip the example files into this folder. 5. Your folder structure will look like this: TIP: You can put examples into any folder you prefer. But this tutorial will use C:\00MDK\NXP for simplicity. 4) Using the NXP LPC-Link2 On-board Debug ...
请使用高于或等于2.0版的PE,论坛有提供 序号:2 原文:Setup is copying temporary files... 翻译:程序正在复制临时文件... 解决办法:同1 序号:3 原文:Setup is starting... 翻译:安装正在启动 解决办法:同1 序号:4 原文:Windows installation cannot be started from the current operating system. To install...