在弹出来的选项框中选择Add ‘temp’ to…然后在右侧弹出的选项中选择加入到Watch1或者Watch2中,这里...
现在的情况是进入硬件DEBUG后,可以观察寄存器内容,但就是WATCH中显示"CANNOT EVALUATE",连变量类型都是...
keil u5为什么..keil u5为什么在watch 里看不到全局变量的值 cannot evaluate局部也看不到 只能看到引脚的值 我也晕了
Watch 1 can only display locals when they are in scope. Locals are normally stored in a CPU register Rn. 6. Stop the program and leave Debug mode . 7. Add static in front of the declaration for counter in hello.c near line 17: static int counter = 0; 8. Compile the source files...
问题解决: Keil界面可以利用Link进行调试,Link提供Debug功能,具体实现如下: 将所需要观察的变量添加到Watch1或Watch2中: 这样便可在Watch1中观察到变量的值: 若想用十进制表示,可以取消十六进制显示: 编译后即可进行观察:...keil5 C代码配色方案 keil5 C代码配色方案 设置自定义颜色 配色方案 设置自定义颜色 ...
Watch window: 14. Memory window: 15. System Viewer (SV): Peripheral Views: 16. printf with STM32G0 Using Event Recorder: 17. Using Event Recorder to Instrument Your code: 18. Determining Relative Timing Values: 19. Filtering the Event Recorder Window: 20. Event Statistics: Statistical ...
You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your ...
strlen("[keil info] ERROR: Cannot open project file for writing (11)\n\n")); break; case 12: strncpy_s(log, sizeof(log), "[keil info] ERROR: Device with given name in not found in database (12)\n\n", strlen("[keil info] ERROR: Device with given name in not found ...
打开工程,按步骤Project->Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->Source Location,点击Add folder,勾选Link to folder in the file system,点击Brower,选择eigen3文件夹下面的Eigen文件夹,点击OK 按步骤Project->Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols-> Includes,点击GNU C++,点击右侧的Add direc...