1、Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Softwarehttp:/www.foxitsoftware.coni For evaluation only.KEIL C编译器常见紳告与错谋信息的解决办法1. Warning 280:T:unreferenced local vanable说明耐部变虽i在函数中木作任何的取操作解决方法消除两数中i变昴的宣省2 Warning 206/Music3,:missing function-...
Programs start at offset 0x0800. Programs generated with the evaluation software may not be ...
是使用keil软件进行调试,程序下载时弹出提示“cmd error - set register data error”,使用样例来下载...
Keil软件注册好后,打开项目出现报错: Error: Project '1' requires 'C51' Toolchain which is not installed. 解决办法: 1.打开安装的根目录,找到此文件,右键编辑 2.将下列字符复制到该文件的末端位置 那么就以我安装的位置和版本号为例: PATH="D:\Keil_v5\C51\" D盘 ...
There are two serial ports on the USB evaluation board. One is driven by the external UART.The other is driven by the on-chip UART.The external 16550 UART uses the serial port connector at J2 to connect to your PC. This is the same chip used in the PC for serial communications and...
keil软件中出现如下提示:TEXT1.C(14): error C202: 'b': undefined identifierA.14行,变量b没有定义B.14行,有语
---Error: failedtoexecute'H:\keil\keil C51\C51\BIN\C51.EXE' 就是这样的错误,翻译一下就是无法执行'C51.EXE' 所以遇到这种情况我们该怎么办呢??? 不如让我们先来康康我的代码 #include <REGX52.H> void main() { P2=0xfe; } 可以明显的看出,这就是一个很普通的点亮LED的程序,也没有什么地方错...
1 warning generated.compiling driver_uart.c...linking...\Objects\led_face.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol PutTerminalString (referred from main.o)..\Objects\led_face.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol LED_Off (referred from i2c.o)..\Objects\led_face.axf: Error: L6218E: Undef...