ans+=dfs(nG[x][i]);returnans; } }intbfs(intm){ZERO(ok); queue<pair<int,int> > q; q.push(MP(1,0)); vis[1]=true;while(!q.empty()) {autonow=q.front(); q.pop();//cout<<<<" "<<<<" "<<red[]<<endl;if([]>m)continue;elseok... 代码如下: #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define MAXM 100005 typedef long long ll; using namespace std; int dp [MAXM],cat [MAXM]; int n,m,ans = 0; vector <int> arr [MAXM]; void dfs(int node ,int fa, int cats ) { if(cats>m)...
题解【Codeforces580C】Kefa and park 题面 在对树进行遍历时记录一下这个点的父亲点权是不是11、当前连续点权为11的节点个数、根到当前结点的路径上连续点权为的最多节点个数,然后直接对叶子节点统计答案即可。
Kefa and Park CodeForces - 580(dfs,如何判断叶子结点) 题意:一棵以1为根的树,树上有些点是红的。一个叶子是合法的当且仅当从根到它的路径上出现的连续红点个数不超过m。求有多少个叶子是合法的。 题解:很单纯的dfs,注意判断叶子结点的条件是,这点的父节点已被访问(这个必须要有,不判断一下父节点是否... UPDATED Thanks to @cs_tree telling me the main reason why python failed but c++ worked. Therefore I wrote a BFS version in python and passed. def go_bfs(): bfs = [(cat[0], 0, 0)] sums = 0 while bfs: isLeaf = True level_cat, ...
codeforces 580C Kefa and Park (树上DFS) Description: Kefa decided to celebrate his first big salary by going to the restaurant. He lives by an unusual park. The park is a rooted tree consisting ofnvertices with the root at vertex 1. Vertex 1 also contains Kefa's house. Unfortunaely ...
Need help although I have solved it using bfs but wanted to master dfs as well.I am a beginner in graphs. Thanks in advance :) . given above is the submission link .#dfs and similar, #help ... 题意 根节点是 1 然后所有的叶子结点都是饭店 从根节点到叶子结点的路径上 如果存在 大于m 个 连续的结点都有猫 那么这条路径就是不可行的 求 最后能到达几个饭店 思路 BFS 就可以了 一层一层往下搜 ...
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Kefa and Park CodeForces - 580C Kefa decided to celebrate his first big salary by going to the restaurant. He lives by an unusual park. The park is a rooted tree consisting ofnvertices with the root at vertex 1. Vertex 1 also contains Kefa's house. Unfortunaely for our hero, the ...