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However, perhaps surprisingly, there’s no room for KEF’s Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT), which is present in the LS50 Wireless II and LS60 Wireless and works to absorb soundwaves that radiate from the back of the tweeter dome. KEF told us it would increase the cost too much ...
品牌 XM301 电压 QK248V 功率 SE524 可售卖地 全国 材质 AQ586 型号 LZ823 温馨提示 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成...
如题,刚买了lsx2轻奢版搭配低音炮,打算也买同牌子的,放客厅35平,咨询京东客服说8b就很好,问闲鱼卖家推荐要用10b的,大家有啥建议?需不需要咬牙上,还是8b已经够用了,平时听歌80%,20%的影视 子逸有声 12-25 71 KEF LS50 Wireles声音很糊,跟几百块的2.1低音炮一样,求解 名字太响... 如题,11月1号收...
But my new office (30x35) will be in another building, so I'm thinking of getting LS50 Metas a sub, and say... a NAD M33. I wouldn't mind getting floorstanders if there was a way to quantify the high SPL capability between different options. The price point for the LS50 is just...
The biggest difference between the passive LS50s backed by $30,000 of audio exotica and the little white LSX speakers—out in the room all by their WiFi lonesomes—came down to lush, überclear, and corporeal (LS50s) vs tight, tidy, and processed (LSX). The difference in transparency wa...
1164 -- 2:22 App 英国KEF LS50Wireless II+KC26低音炮 626 -- 0:29 App 【无锡迩东】高登音频x Hifiman 小夜曲JR 解码耳放一体机,高阶技术下放的亲民进阶选择。 622 -- 6:14 App 无锡迩东音频馆,KEF LS60Wireless有源无线HiFi音箱,E小调第九交响曲,作品95“来自新世界”:第四乐章 1919 1 5:32 ...
KEF LS50 Wireless II 无线发烧立体声hifi书架音箱有源蓝牙音响 KEF LS50W IIKC62蓝牙音箱音响hifi音响家用低音炮蓝牙音响智能 蓝牙电钢琴88键重锤考级成人幼师初学者家用教学立式电子钢琴 阜阳菲勒科技有限公司 1年 3.5星 出价迅速 真实性已核验 安徽阜阳 成立时间 2022-09-09 注册资本 20万元 主要品牌 颍...
+4 42353 音响吧 xinky898 各位大神,我想买对kef Q350的音箱,用来听手机流行音乐…要怎么搭配好? 音响 分享1赞 音响吧 灵感ლ 音响是KEF LS50 Wireless,发现蓝牙比线连更通透,声场更广?? 音响 23411 音乐吧 左耳li的离歌 KEF LS50Wireless 无线小巨声牌子的音响最好???音乐 分享1赞 汉智电声吧 wangpeng80...
I had the chance to audition the KEF LS50 speakers. The hype and fanfare surrounding the LS50s is out of this world. The performance is anything but… They are very good, but they don't come anywhere close to what all the hype would have one believe. They are a good buy for their ...