LSX II LT speakers Price:$39,650.00 3Colours KEF LS50 II Hi Fi Speaker System Price:$86,850.00 4Colours KEF LS50 II Hi Fi Speaker System Price:$86,850.00 4Colours KEF LS50 II Hi Fi Speaker System Price:$86,850.00 4Colours 9/9 results ...
The first generation of KEF's superb LSX wireless hi-fi speakers were on this list for some time, and we've found no reason to take them off — but we have updated our choice with the improved second generation, the KEF LSX II. ...
MATH ROCK IN THE EAST Toe performing at Electric Owl Social Club in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2015). Credit: Grassbag/Wikimedia Commons The broad experimentation and intricate musical constructions of math rock found fertile ground in the underground Japanese rock scene, dominated by nois...
However, as excellent as KEF’s speakers are, their price tags can be a bit much to swallow for some folks, with theLS50 Wireless IIstarting at $2,500 and it’s popularLSX II running $1,300a pair. But all hope is not lost, with KEF launching its most affordable version of the lat...