Keepit provides next-level SaaS data protection purpose-built for the cloud, by securing data in a vendor-independent cloud to safeguard essential business applications, boost cyber resilience and future-proof data protection. Explore: The Keepit platformRansomware recoveryCompliance and continuity ...
The Keepit Cloud is the most cost-effective solution on the market with 20+ years of experience. Learn more about our next-level data protection services
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最近,餐饮O2O注意到了一家功能饮品零售品牌KEEPIT ,正通过饮品化“美容养生配方”,填补当下功能性饮品的“美容养生”空白,以全链路+多场景+圈层化模式,重新定义中国功能性饮料赛道。KEEPIT 这个品牌是谁?作为新零售饮品品牌,KEEPIT为何要这么做呢?为了解答这些问题,餐饮O2O特意采访了KEEPIT的创始人Kathleen Wan...
所属公司:KEEPIT A/S 当前融资轮次:债权融资 成立日期:2007-08-01 所属地:丹麦 简介:KeepIt专门为企业提供云到云备份服务。它为Office 365,Google Apps和Salesforce提供云备份和SaaS工作负载保护服务。该公司成立于2007年,总部位于丹麦哥本哈根。 简介:KeepIt专门为企业提供云到云备份服务。它为Office 365,Google Ap...
Luviia - Keepit (SEE.)
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The Keepit platform makes it easy to prepare for the worst, while also enhancing current business practices through cost-efficient data protection. We’re excited to receive this honor from Cloud Computing Magazine,” says Michele Hayes, CMO at Keepit. “Recognizing excellence in the advancement ...
You rely on Power Platform to build, integrate, and manage technology solutions, so rely on Keepit to ensure those apps can be quickly restored. Learn more Microsoft Dynamics 365 Losing Dynamics 365 data can dramatically impact sales, marketing, supply chain, and other key operations. Keepit ...