may it remind you that you are not alone and that your have a heavenly Father who cares for you; and if you have not, may this help you to understand what many, many women experience during their childbearing years so that you can love them well in your own ...
a given in Scripture. It is moral for God to seek his own glory, and it is moral for us to seek both his and our own (these are tied together for the Christian). But how and where are we looking to find it? Vainglory is empty, vapid, invaluable. It is the kind of glory most...
Treasury of Scripture That you might fear the LORD your God, to keep all his statutes and his commandments, which I command you, you, and your son, and your son's son, all the days of your life; and that your days may be prolonged. fear Genesis 4:10 And he said, What hast thou...
Christianity to soften scripture and history so that modern social justice may be elevated to something religious. True Love is largely left behind. The frequent declaration of God’s love for each of us is disconnected, somewhat, from the universality of love and the earthly, daily battle with...
教导门徒祷告 - 有一天,耶稣在某地祷告完毕,有个门徒对祂说:“主啊,请教导我们祷告,像约翰教他的门徒一样。” 耶稣对他们说:“你们应该这样祷告, “‘天父,愿人都尊崇你的圣名, 愿你的国度降临, 愿你的旨意在地上成就, 就像在天上成就一样。 愿你天天赐给我们日
But no certain signs will precede the particular death of each one: and such a coming do those words signify, which are so frequently repeated in the Holy Scripture, Lord comethat the will like a" thief" that is, when He is least expected. We will, therefore, briefly explain this ...
I’m in the process of starting a co-op with some local families, so we’ll be covering hymns, Scripture memory, folk songs, poems, artist study, composer study, and nature study in community this year! There’s also a book club time and my boys (who are both in the “older kids...
Scripture paints for us a vivid picture of the difference betweenmeregratitude andactualgiving of thanks. When Jesus healed ten lepers, as recorded inLuke 17:12-19, only one of them turned back to say thank you. I’m sure the othersfelt gratitude.How could theynot?But only oneshowedit, ...