If I understand correctly, you have 204 variables named mon1 mon2 mon3 ... mon204. I would type: local k=1 while `k'<=204 { keep if mon`k'=="3" local ++k } djason@email.unc.edu escribi?: I'm having one problem with a command in STATA 8.0. I have variables in which I ...
Re: st: Keeping values in multiple variables From: djason@email.unc.edu Re: st: Keeping values in multiple variables From: djason@email.unc.edu Prev by Date: Re: st: Keeping values in multiple variables Next by Date: st: speed: Mac v. PC Previous by thread: Re: st: Keeping...
In essence, this command is a "whitelist" command, while a function like subinstr() is a "blacklist" command. Instead of finding characters that you want to remove, strkeep finds characters that you want to keep and removes all other characters....
Variables associated with compliance and which retained independence on multiple logistic regression analysis, followed by adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) were: no copayment requirement, odds ratio 3.2 (1.6 to 6.3), single followup appointment 2.9 (1.4 to 5.9), apartment dwelling 3.2...
We present insights based on simple simulations and data examples with associated Stata code and a decision tree for choosing between types of models for use with proportional dependent variables.doi:10.1057/s41267-019-00278-wJesper N Wulff
The survey also carries data needed for constructing the instrument variables i.e. economic status of husband’s family for women married into the household (detailed in Section 3.2), that is not found in other datasets. Furthermore, the unsuitability of the latest NSS data2 (round 75th, ...
Prev by Date: st: Re-defining a variable's type but keeping it "in place" Next by Date: st: 2SLS and Instrumental Variables Previous by thread: st: Re-defining a variable's type but keeping it "in place" Next by thread: Re: st: RE: Re-defining a variable's type but keepin...
We present insights based on simple simulations and data examples with associated Stata code and a decision tree for choosing between types of models for use with proportional dependent variables.doi:10.1057/s41267-019-00278-wJesper N Wulff
That is, the number of kinkeeping behaviors in which married parents engage is less than repartnered parents by a factor of 0.914 (e− 0.09). This suggests that continuously married parents display 8.6% fewer kinkeeping behaviors, holding all other variables in the model constant (p <...
Data obtained from the questionnaires and the laboratory results were recorded as variables in Excel®®spreadsheets and transferred into STATA/SE 15.0 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, USA) for analysis. Social-demographic characteristics, and a summary of knowledge and practices of pig raiser...