Keeping up with the Joneses - the latest trends in intranet design When we are engaged to work on an intranet project, we are often asked what other law firms are doing with their sites as a starting point for ideas for development. However, law firm intranets can benefit from looking at...
First of all, let us know what does "keeping up with the joneses" mean?The Joneses are your imaginary neighbours. Mr. Jones comes home with a huge flat screen tv, and suddenly you feel like a loser. So you buy a big flat screen tv. Mrs. Jones is out driving a brand n...
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 打开百度贴吧 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 蝴蝶家族星爰爰吧 蝴蝶星爰爰 英语口语备楼,考完作废 分享207 英语词源吧 yaleson Keeping up with the Joneses的来由Keepingup with the Joneses是一个有一百多岁的美国英语成语,意思是“赶时髦,比阔气”。 1913年,在纽约市有一个23岁的...