Some things are easier to get rid of than others. Here'sHow to Donate, Recycle and Reuse Old Bed Sheets and Towels. Cleaning Out the Fridge Cleaning out your fridge is an essential household chore for maintaining a fresh-smelling kitchen. Each time you buy groceries, do a quick scan of ...
Say goodbye to stiff, scratchy, dingy-gray whites and hello to fresh, revitalized laundry that looks and feels brand new! MORE: Laundry Stripping is the Easy Solution for Dingy Gray Sheets, Towels, Underwear Question: What’s your best tip for keeping white clothes bright and clean? Share ...
How to Wash Towels to Keep Them Soft and Smelling Fresh How Often Should You Change Hand Towels? How to Wash a Weighted Blanket How to Steam Clothes to Remove Wrinkles Yes, Your Bed Absolutely Needs a Top Sheet—Here's Why How to Clean a Washing Machine Filter How to Clean a ...
Total Time:30 minutes Skill Level:Beginner Estimated Cost:$15 The dirt that disappears from your clothes, towels, and sheets has to go somewhere, which means grime can build up inside your washing machine over time. Withoutregular cleaning, the appliance might also harbor leftover detergent, har...
(like peppermint, eucalyptus, or lemon) to your vinegar and water dilution and shake well before using. You can also infuse vinegar with herbs, citrus peel, and spices to make it more pleasant-smelling. Just fill a container with citrus peel,rosemary sprigs, lavender, cinnamon sticks, cloves...