You want the Teams application to auto-update and would prefer Teams to install per-user under Appdata/Local, use the .exe installer or the MSI without ALLUSER=1 (I found the Citrix Doc under the title: Optimization for Microsoft Teams). We built out our MDT application...
Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong
Hello;How does one ensure that an MS form doesn't vanish when the creator leaves a company (and therefore the creator's O365 account is...
I have just set up a free Teams account and have created 2 brand new teams that we'll call Team 1 and Team 2. I want Team 1 and Team 2 to remain completely...
The Microsoft Teams experience supports school, work, and personal accounts. If you would like to restrict the ability for students to sign in with their personal accounts, you can set up restrictions using Devices Policies. Learn more about Microsoft Teams for your ...
The Microsoft Teams experience supports school, work, and personal accounts. If you would like to restrict the ability for students to sign in with their personal accounts, you can set up restrictions using Devices Policies. Learn more about Microsoft Teams for...
Microsoft Teams 教育版 在线学习可能会给学生带来独特的安全挑战。 我们收集了Teams 教育版最佳做法,供管理员和教师使用建议的控制措施建立安全策略和管理会议和频道。 这些设置协同工作,有助于确保学生在使用 Teams 时获得更安全、更高效的环境。 注意:
我們強烈建議您在租使用者中建立學生身分識別以進行遠距學習。 要求學生和授課者先登入 Teams 再加入會議,是最安全的遠端學習會議環境。 這樣一來,您就可以協助授課者防止未獲授權的使用者進入線上會議。 如需詳細瞭解如何為貴組織設定身分識別與授權,請造訪我們的開始使用 Microsoft T...
The solution architect should ensure that the project is always moving toward the project's goals. Additionally, the solution architect should establish good practices to ensure that the customer and team members are aware of the project's current status and of the issues that affect its progress...