"I say keep the cats around the property if not the garden itself. They are major deterrent for actual pests such as mice, moles, gophers, rabbits, birds, etc that would otherwise eat your crops. my mother grew up on a farm near Mt. St Helen's, and they always had cats around for...
Our duck coops don’t have solid floors. Instead, they have open bottoms with buried 1/2″ wire mesh under them. This lets moisture go out and worms come in while keeping unwanted animals (mice, rats, predators, etc) from tunneling in. ...
We had found a few mice in the garden as well, during this time. There was a nest of them long before the hens arrived, so it has nothing to do with food and grain being left out in the garden which might attract rodents. We used safe and humane traps to rid our garden of these...
Research in medicine not tested on women or female mice etc. resulting in eg. thalidomide. A campaign needed to get a woman’s image on bank notes. Some commented on the difficulty in acquiring work-related clothing that fitted properly. We found it fascinating and thought provoking and were...
Lastly, you should use weather stripping on doors and install screens on vents to stop mice from entering through these areas. However, even with these measures in place, it can be difficult to keep mice out of your home. This is because of the rapid rate at which they can reproduce and...
noun food and lodging. She gives her mother money every week for her keep; Our cat really earns her keep – she kills all the mice in the house.sustentoˈkeeper noun1. a person who looks after something, eg animals in a zoo. The lion has killed its keeper.guarda...
Citronella Firewood– Citronella is a shrub that you can buy in many garden centers. It produces a scent that will repel mosquitoes. Grow this at your home, then harvest it and let it dry over a week. Then, bring it with you when you go camping. As a firewood it will drive mosquitoes...
The movement and reflection of the silver discs will scare off birds. Big seeds such as peas, beans, and sweet corn are particularly appealing to mice. The best way to protect them is to sow them in a shallow container and grow them to sprouts in a greenhouse or she...
Example:The farmer sprays his field with pesticide, some insects die, some survive with a weakened dose. A mouse eats these insects and the amount of pesticide in its system is the collective of all these insects. An owl eats several mice and their collective amount of pesticide is consumed...
The high cost of leadership, I guess. I bet titmice don’t intend to lead at all, but when other birds see them on the move, they decide to tag along for the action. As they say, “More research is called for.” This discovery was yet another example to me of how there is a ...