2024年8月19日,美国国土安全部DHS发布通知,为长期生活在美国却缺乏合法身份的美国公民的某些非公民配偶和继子女实施“保持家庭团聚Keeping Families Together”程序。 根据移民和国籍法案(INA) 第212(d)(5)(A)条行使的自由裁量权,允许某些非公民“入境申请人”出于紧急人道主义原因或重大公共利益,根据具体情况临时...
On 18 June 2024, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. announced a new Keeping Families Together Parole in Place Program (the Program).
美国国安部于8月19日周一发布公告,宣布即日起实施“家庭团聚(Keeping Families Together)”程序,允许美国公民的无证配偶及其子女申请在美合法身份。 根据拜登6月宣布的政策,许多无合法身份的美国公民配偶将能够申请“就地假释(parole in place)”,允许留在美国,申请绿卡,最终成为美国公民。 若要获得资格,配偶必须满足以...
Additional Information:DHS officials stated that they would comply with the decision and stop approving cases but continue to accept applications while defending the program in court. More information and updates can be found on theUSCIS Keeping Families Together website...
The Department of Homeland Security today announced implementation of the Keeping Families Together process, which grants parole in place on a case-by-case basis to certain noncitizen spouses and stepchildren of U.S. citizens. Key Points: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will begin ...
To be considered for a discretionary grant of parole in place under Keeping Families Together, the noncitizen spouse of a U.S. citizen, would have needed to: Be present in the United States without admission or parole; Have been continuously physically present in the United States since at le...