If you cover the top, you will protect your birds from not only those predators but also hawks and eagles that will happily dive for your smaller chickens. 4. Train Chickens To Sleep Inside Coop When you first get a new batch of chickens, keep them inside the coop day and night for a...
yep, even in suburbia there can be anything from raccoons to hawks that think that your chickens are a tasty treat! Chickens are a joy, but make sure that you *actually* have time for them before adding feathered ladies into your backyard! Raising Baby Chicks Choosing Your Chickens There ar...
Three potential disadvantages of raising backyard chickens include noise pollution from their clucking, odors from their droppings, and the potential for attracting predators like foxes, raccoons, and hawks. Can chickens roam free in the yard?
The University of Minnesota reports on their agricultural page about raising ducks, that “Incorrect use of certain medicated feeds formulated for chickens and turkeys could harm ducklings.” Studies such as“Anticoccidial drugs and duckling performance to four weeks of age”are available on the Inter...