KeePass is a light-weight and easy-to-use open source password manager compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and mobile devices with USB ports. KeePass enables users to store passwords in a highly-encrypted database, which can only be unlocked with one master password and/or a key fil...
Platform compatibility:Android, iOS, Mac, Web (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari), Windows Security:AES 256-bit encryption, 2FA Unlimited passwords and devices SSO integration for Business plan 2FA with all plans Keeper Overall rating:(4.6)
KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”. - xuanwujian/keepassxc
For Windows: Windows XP SP3 or higher For Linux: installed mono For Mac: installed mono | it seems to fully support KeePassHttp, but we cannot test it Installation DownloadKeePassHttp Copy it into the KeePass directory On linux systems you maybe need to install mono-complete:$ apt-get instal...
StartADAM 穩定 StealthMail 停止並思考 Storegate Stormboard Straker 翻譯 stratapp Streamline Streem Strety 結構化工具 SuitePro-G Sumakan Summize Assistant 美國) (加總小幫手 Sunsama SuperOffice SureCloud - 歐洲 SureCloud - 北美洲 波濤洶湧 Surveyapp SurveyMonkey 依Udyamo 進行問卷調查 SurveySparrow Swi...
Auto-Type: improved compatibility with target windows that handle activation slowly and ignore any input until being ready (like Microsoft Edge). Auto-Type: improved sending of characters that are typically realized with the AltGr key. When editing a custom entry string, the value text box now ...
Roboform Everywhere for Windows, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Android is a push-button web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence (AI) inside. « Mickey 0.2.0· KeePassXC 2.7.9 · New Tab Override for Firefox 16.0.1 » Tactical...
If you continue to have problems with removal of the keepass adware, reset your Internet Explorer settings to default.Windows XP users: Click Start, click Run, in the opened window type inetcpl.cpl In the opened window click the Advanced tab, then click Reset....
Auto-Type on all three major platforms (Linux, Windows, macOS). Database is encrypted with the industry-standard AES (alias Rijndael) encryption algorithm using a 256 bit key Besides AES, there also Twofish and ChaCha22 encryption. File format compatibility with KeePass2, KeePassX, MacPass, Ke...
Windows Phone 8.1 now provides data protection, just like on desktop, so that the data can be encrypted and decrypted only by a specific app + user + phone combination. This allows the decrypted database to be cached safely on the phone, with a simple encryption that cannot be decrypted ...