优化KeePass的配置及插件的使用 我们先来对软件本身调整一下设置,让软件用起来更加顺手些,首先更换自动输入密码的快捷键,点击软件的工具-选项,在集成一栏中把Global auto-type: 换成Ctrl+F1(用两键组合比三键更方便,也可自行设定其他键位),打开网站登录账号密码框,一定要用鼠标点击一下账号输入框,使输入光标聚焦在...
Auto-Type selected entry那里看不清,而global auto-type的键和QQ的截图键重了,建议重新指定一个。 我试用了一下,全局的不知道怎么用,select entry没有问题。 有的人会嫌这样麻烦,见仁见智吧,我觉得还好。 得益于文件存储,你可以用几乎所有的云盘来同步它。电脑端自动同步就行了。 手机端我用的是坚果云。
Added option ‘Always show global auto-type entry selection dialog’ (to show the dialog even when no or one entry is found for the currently active target window; turned off by default). Added {GROUP_NOTES} placeholder. Added support for importing nPassword NPW files. In triggers...
KeePass is a very good password manager that's great on options, but not so hot on online integration. Auto-type window definitions in custom window-sequence pairs are now Spr-compiled (i.e. placeholders, environment variables, etc. can be used)Global auto-type delay: added support for mult...
Items in the auto-type entry selection dialog can now be selected using a single click. When performing global auto-type, the Spr engine now uses the entry container database instead of the current database as data source. The generated passwords list in the password generator dialog now uses...
global auto-type hot key doesn't restore the main window anymore - The installer now by default installs KeePass 1.x and 2.x into separate directories in the program files folder - The optional autorun registry keys of KeePass 1.x and 2.x do not collide anymore - File type association ...
Auto-Type: added workaround for the default Ctrl+Alt behavior of KiTTY variants (which differs from Windows' behavior). Before clearing the clipboard, KeePass now first copies a non-sensitive text into it; this ensures that no sensitive information remains in the clipboard even when clearing is...
Advanced Auto-Type offers the{AAT}placeholder for that. Example:{USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}{AAT}{S:PIN}{ENTER} Global Auto-Type will type {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER} AAT hotkey will autotype {S:PIN}{ENTER} Password only hotkey will autotype the password - {ENTER} is optional...
macOS: Fix global Auto-Type when the database is locked[ #3138] Browser: Close popups when database is locked [#3093] Browser: Add tests [#3016] Browser: Don't create default group if custom group is enabled [#3127] 2.4.1 (2019-04-12) Fix database deletion when using unsafe saves...
It's very easy to use. I install it on my desktop first, and move my keepass database into my dropbox. Then, fire up the Dropbox Android app, and log in: Navigate to your database and click on it: It will jump to the password screen in KeePassDroid: ...