Which Animals Are Eating Your Garden (And How to Keep Them Out!) How to Get Rid of Skunks: Keep Them Out of the Garden How to Get Rid of Rats, Mice, and Squirrels in the House Identification Identifying Squirrels In the garden, the biggest troublemaker is the gray squirrel. Their most...
Chicken wire or rabbit fencing is the best kind of barrier to use as the wire mesh keeps out average-sized animals. It won't prevent small rodents like mice and rats, but squirrels, rabbits, and deer won't be able to penetrate through the small holes. These types of fences are usually...
simple fence made of chicken wire or metal hardware cloth to protect your garden from rabbits or groundhogs. Voles can get through chicken wire, and squirrels and chipmunks can easily climb over chicken wire and hardware cloth fences — regardless of the height. And if you don't bury the bo...