KEEP YOUR PC safe. (cover story)No matter where one really lives, when one connects his computer to the Internet, he is in the big city. This article presents some healthy habits for keeping system running right. Keep Windows up to date. Check start-up processes. Look up unfamiliar ...
Here’s a list of the ten most important Windows 11 settings you need to enable to keep your computer safe. Related 5 must-have software security tools your computer needs Keeping your home PC safe and secure is more important than ever. Here are some essential tools that offer protection. ...
For a book’s worth of tips and tools on getting your stuff backed up and together, pick up a copy of our book “Keep Everything You Love Safe” in paperback or via instant download. Have Fun Getting Your Stuff Together! Keep Everything You Love Safe | The Book Inspired By The Blog...
None of these tips cost money. In fact,most important security tools you need are completely free. You can keep yourself and your PC safe online without spending a single dime. Here’s how. 1. Use an antivirus Antivirus software is a must-have fo...
But this doesn’t mean that you should sit back and relax – you still need to stay alert and avoid relying on Windows Defender too much. In this article, we put together a list of tips that will help you keep your Windows 10 PC safe and secure. ...
If viruses and malware are a regular problem for you, or if you’re simply worried that your antivirus program isn’t sufficient, you can add an extra layer of defense to your PC by setting up a sandboxing application. A properly sandboxed set of Windows programs can protect you from ...
Protect, Backup and Clean Your PC for Seniors: Stay Safe When Using the Internet and Email and Keep Your PC in Good Condition! It is very important to safeguard your computer and protect your privacy while surfing the Internet. What can you do to prevent cybercriminals from getting hold of...
Google has published a review of Microsoft's recent security issues, concluding that Microsoft is "unable to keep their systems and therefore their customers' data safe." In its report, Google calls Microsoft out for failing to correctly describe a security breach to the public last year w...
Tip: if you want to clean up your PC, start byuninstalling the programsyou no longer use. Another alternative to safely experiment with different software is toenable Test Mode. This will enable you to install apps from sources that may not be considered safe. Alternatively, trypreventing the...
Safe Search Eng 是一种浏览器扩展,它操纵用户 Web 浏览器的搜索功能,将其搜索重定向到不需要的搜索引擎。这种侵入性软件被称为浏览器劫持者,它会更改浏览器的默认搜索引擎设置,迫使其使用。像 Safe Search Eng 这样的浏览器劫持者可能会严重影响设备上的浏览体验。 像安全搜索引擎这样的浏览器劫...