Despite their reputation as cute, loveable animals, rabbits can quickly become a nuisance when they overrun your yards or garden. They are particularly prevalent in the late summer when their numbers seem to explode. It may feel like they’re everywhere, but Varment Guard is here to help. Le...
4 Ways to Keep Rabbits Out of Your Garden As soon as you know rabbits are the culprits behind your ruined garden, you should take immediate measures to keep them away and protect the remaining plants (if there are any). Here are some tried and tested ways to keep these annoying critters...
The trickier part of rabbit fencing, though, is the part you don’t see. If you really want to keep rabbits out of your garden you’ll have to go to the trouble of burying your fencing materials so they can’t dig their way under your fence. It’s a bit more work, but you can...
Here are some ways to keep rabbits out of vegetable gardens. Rabbit Characteristics The eastern cottontail rabbit is the most popular species of wild rabbit in the United States. It's also likely the one doing the most damage to your garden. These rabbits are gray or brownish-colored with th...
Plan your 2025 garden with our award-winning Garden Planner. Try Now Body Birds are a welcome addition to the garden, but if thecrowsare devouring your corn and thejaysare eating your berries, here are a few ways to keep birds away from your garden. ...
Regardless, here are some natural and humane ways to keep rabbits out of your garden: Build a fence. Since native rabbits can't dig, and they also can't jump ("They can't do much, actually," as McGrath says), they can be easily contained with fencing. It needn't even be that ...
Rabbits are most likely to be scared of owl statues that resemble large owls native to the area. Most owls are too small to take adult rabbits, but the great horned owl is a threat to both juveniles and fully grown bunnies. Get down to a rabbit's eye level and choose several highly ...
Rabbit control can be trickier than keeping other types of pest out of your garden. Rabbits commonly nest in areas that are grassy or full of thickets. They also nest closely to where they can quickly feed on flowers, vegetables and tree bark. Rabbits co
Rabbits are cute, furry, fun, and interesting to watch. The fun ends when they begin damaging your flowers or eating your vegetable garden. Rabbits enjoy nibbling on flower buds, blooms, and the fruits and vegetables of your garden. There are cost effective ways and items that you can find...
In addition to mint, most rats and mice are put off by strong herbal scents, such asbasil, echinacea,garlic, andthyme. To keep away the rodents, plant a border of these herbs around the outside of your garden. Once the rodents smell them, they will think your garden has nothing to of...