Just sprinkle the coffee ground all over your lawn and watch the grass grow without any cat problems. Plant Cat Deterrents There are plants cats absolutely hate like Coleus Canina,popularly known as the "scaredy cat plant" or the "piss off plant". You can incorporate these into your ...
There are many plants whose natural scent repels cats. Plant plenty of these around your garden for a lasting fragrance that encourages cats to stay away. Be careful, though. Many scents commonly recommended for repelling cats can be toxic to humans and pets if ingested and, in some cases, ...
that is. With temperatures last night reaching -18 in the city and -25 in Elk Park last night, people will be shivering again tonight with forecast lows back into the subzero range. Let's make sure our pets aren't shivering too. ...
If your cats are using your sandbox, the simplest solution would be to keep the pets in the house. Yes, it is humane, safe, and recommended by vets and cat experts. Don’t worry if your kitty was more of an outdoor pet; they can still adjust to the indoor lifestyle. All you have...
The City of Toronto and other regional municipalities have issued warnings in recent days, reminding the public to stay a safe distance from coyotes, always keep pets on a leash, and stressing the repercussions of feeding these often cute but potentially dangerous animals. ...
Fleas are most active in the warm summer months, but they can survive year-round. Luckily, there are many things you can do all year to protect yourself and your pets. To avoid flea problems in your yard: Mow the lawn. This lets sunlight reach the ground, which fleas don’t like. ...
Whether you’re headed out for a hike or simply settling in for an afternoon in the hammock, it always helps to have a game plan to keep ticks away, and the knowledge on how to properly remove them if they do hitch a ride on you, your family, or your pets. ...
Permit the exterminators to perform their job. Ensure You Don't have any Expensive things lying around. Lock all cupboards and cabinets. You can choose to Go away for a couple hours while the pest control team does their job. It's Important to remove pets to security. Children and older ...
If you want to put moles off further, pets can help as well. As natural predators, dogs will make a lot of noise, especially if they spot a mole, and cats will attempt to catch them. If pets mark the yard with their urine, this can keep moles at a distance as well, because they...
Another tell-tale sign that you have rabbits is their small, round, pellet-sized droppings which they leave in piles around the lawn and in garden beds. What Rabbits Eat Since mama rabbits have babies to nurse in the very early spring, first sightings of rabbit activity is usually around th...