“One of my favorite things about sports marketing is the community,” says Brogdon. “It’s much smaller than people realize. You’re able to see a lot of cool success stories from people you’ve worked with or run into over your career.” Sharing victories and losses with other social ...
Marketing Me Next weekend I am off to the Engineers Without Borders’ South East regional conference , at UCF in Orlando Florida. While I am there, aside from being a good EWB member, I wanted to better promote my Notchflow App to the sorts of people who are likely to use it – other...
friends. "I've actually messaged a few people on occasion, and you always make that lofty promise to catch up," he says. "I try to follow up but life always gets in the way. Still, it's enough for me to know that the people who mattered to me years ago are still doing okay."...
The new circular trackers can be affixed to different devices and located using the updated Find My app included as part ofiOS 14. The updated app is broken out into four tabs for "People," "Devices," "Items," and "Me." Objects can be placed into "lost" mode wher...
Research shows that users connect to both friends they already know offline and new friends they discover on the site. For example, many users of popular social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace primarily communicate with people they already know offline [1]. On the other hand, ...
OK, here goes my mega-thread on H1B. This is my experience not only as a tech worker, but as a leader of large engineering teams. I work in at a large and well-known Silicon Valley tech company, and have been here for over 10 years. I’m tagging a bunch of people in hopes that...
For Delta, Carlsen believes passengers are still testing out social platforms. As people start to see that an airline will get back to them quicker on Twitter than on a phone call: "I think we'll continue to see more of a channel shift." ...
You start at the beginning of the paragraph with "@stylesheetname:" right before the text (no spaces between or tabs) and the character level tagging for small caps, bold, italic, etc goes around the emphasized word, letter, phrase. I'm uploading a chart in pdf form that I ...
“One of my favorite things about sports marketing is the community,” says Brogdon. “It’s much smaller than people realize. You’re able to see a lot of cool success stories from people you’ve worked with or run into over your career.” ...