stitches 使某人大笑相关短语 marquise (大挑棚) 大门罩 global tectonics (大地) 全球构造(学) maioliaca (意大利) 锡釉彩陶 Urbino ware (意大利) 乌尔比诺陶器 baulk (指大木) 粗木方 Banco di Napoli (意大利) 那波里银行 Treviso porcelain (意大利) 特勒维索软瓷 satellite town (大城市的) ... stitches使某人大笑 访问沪江小D查看 stitches的更多详细解释> 参考例句 1 2 〈 〉 常用英语 你好 晚安 永远 加油 当然 惊喜 微笑 完美 漂亮 没问题 谢谢你 亲爱的 不客气 生日快乐 全部 学习站点 沪江英语 小D词典 常用单词 新概念英语 英文网名 英语笑话 英语故事 美剧推荐 英文...
From senior moments to strange folk, this book will keep you in stitches"Horace Vinson is a faithful friend who has encouraged me and made me laugh many times for over 35 years. He is one of the funniest men that I know. I am glad that he has published this great book of his jokes...
习惯用语 stitch in time 及时的一针 A stitch in time saves nine.及时的一针顶日后的九针。(喻指:小洞不补大洞吃苦。)in stitches 捧腹大笑;乐不可支
13. 音符跳跃,健身之路动感无限! Be Like Me feat Lil Wayne 14. 火爆节奏,让燃脂之旅更性感! Be There feat Brittany Campbell 15. 燃脂风暴,音乐带你征服健身房! Black 16. 旋律撩心,健身路上热情似火! BlowfishOriginal Mix 17. 节奏如潮,燃脂音乐让你嗨翻天! Bomb A Drop ...
Solomon: Trade rumors keep McGrady in stitchesHouston Chronicle
keep someone in stitches: to cause someone to laugh loud and hard, for a period of time.让...
Charlotte Martin - Keep Me in Your Pocket
5. To continue to monitor someone or something.Keep on this case, and let me know what you find out. 6. To fail to remove a particular clothing item. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "keep" and "on."I've kept my hat on all day to hide how bad my hair ...