Under HTTP 1.1, the official keepalive method is different. All connections are kept alive, unless stated otherwise with the following header: Connection: close The Connection: Keep-Alive header no longer has any meaning because of this. Additionally, an optional Keep-Alive: header is described, ...
Connection: close TheConnection:Keep-Aliveheader no longer has any meaning because of this. Additionally, an optionalKeep-Alive: header is described, but is so underspecified as to be meaningless. Avoid it. Not reliable HTTPis a stateless protocol - this means that every request is independent o...
setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (void *)&keepalive , sizeof(keepalive)); // 可配置各socket自己的keepalive参数 setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, (void*)&keepidle , sizeof(keepidle)); setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, (void *)&keepinterval , sizeof(keepin...
The time, measured in seconds, before idle keep-alive connections are closed. Set this value in the Admin Console in the Timeout field on the configuration's Performance tab ⇒ HTTP tab, under Keep Alive Settings. The default is 30 seconds, meaning the connection times out if idle for mo...
In Paris, three discus throwers from Lithuania will aim to keep the tradition alive: alongside Alekna, his brother Martynas and former world and European champion Andrius Gudžius – who seeks to reach his third consecutive Olympic final – look to make the nation proud. Martynas Ruseckas, ...
When a http client uses Connection: keep-alive, http.Server#close() doesn't end stale/free keep-alive connections, thus preventing the process from exiting. I can replicate the behavior on both 0.10.x and master. Failing test server.js: ...
So in practice, you are tearing down the connection pool after each request, meaning you're only ever able to use one connection (because any previous connection would have been thrown away by closing the pool after the previous request terminated). What you need to do for the connection ...
因为 发送消息使用的 http 协议发送的,原代码中 每发送一条消息,就创建一条 HttpUrlConnection,所以这里应该可以进行优化, 在官方文档中找到了相关文档:http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/net/http-keepalive.html What is HTTP Persistent Connections?
Connection keep-alive can cause problems with media streaming and gaming because of intermittent connectivity. This can cause buffering and lag time in the experience of the user. Pitfalls This keeps a session open with the server, meaning that there is a single connection being maintained between...
HTTP/1.1 also allows to set a timeout for keep-alive connections (how long to wait before resetting the connection after idleness) and the number of requests to be allowed from the client before resetting the connection. Building microservices? Try using keep-alive connections...