基尔大学(Keele University)校园占地250多公顷,位于特伦特河畔斯托克市以西3公里处。曼彻斯特在其北部35英里处;伯明翰在其南部40英里处。从学校开车 35分钟即可到达曼彻斯特机场,两小时的火车即可到达伦敦。基尔大学一直在英国属于中上流大学,在2008年泰晤士排名40位。基尔大学拥有学生7000 人,国际学生500人来自100多个国家...
Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG Directions Directions to the campus from all locations in the UK via car, rail, bus aeroplane or bicycle (or any combination of these): How to find us Once on the camps please follow the campus map to the Sports Centre for the practice: Ke...
however, the mobility of academics, which are active in higher education, have been given less limelight. In this case, the study investigates the international mobility experiences of Chinese university faculty.