Based on the research, it can be concluded that the position of grandchild as a substitute heir in Islamic inheritance law is not listed in the Al- Quran and Hadith, only recognized through the Ijtihad conducted by the scholars. But in the Islamic Law Compilation the existe...
KEDUDUKAN HUKUM AKTA NOTARIS SEBAGAI ALAT BUKTI DALAM PROSES PENYIDIKANIKA HANDAYANI, Postgraduate Magister of Notary Program of Faculty of Law in Brawijaya University, FEBRUARY 2010. The Law's Status of Notarial Document as Evidence in an Investigation Process. Counselors, Chairman: Afifah Kusuma...
KEDUDUKAN HUKUM NOKEP 883-DIR/KPS/10/2012 SEBAGAI DASAR PEMBERIAN HAK PENSIUN BAGI PEKERJA PT BRI PERSERO TBKPrior to the enactment of Law 13/2003, workers whose did dismissal due to retirement, the right to receive pension funds (for civil servants) or rights to severance pay (for ...