minio: image:minio/minio ports: -"9000:9000" -"9001:9001" command:server/data--console-address":9001" environment: -MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio -MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minio123 初始化项目 可以通过new 以及starter 模式 快速模式 kedronew--name=spaceflights--tools=viz--example=y 项目结构 关于项目结构以及...
Kedro-Viz is an interactive development tool for building data science pipelines withKedro. Kedro-Viz also allows users to view and compare different runs in the Kedro project. Features ✨ Complete visualisation of a Kedro project and its pipelines ...
kedro 创建模块化数据科学pipeline 的python 框架 包含的特性 pipeline 可视化,基于了kedro-viz data catalog 轻量级的data connenctors 可以方便数据的读取以及保存,扩展上也比较强大 周边集成,可以方便的与apache airflow,spark,azure ml,docker ,kubeflow,pandans,mlfow 等集成 项目模版,此工具属于 kedro 的一个最佳...
As ETL/ELT pipelines are commonly represented in left-to-right orientations, adding flexibility to Kedro-Viz’s layout could improve usability and make the tool more adaptable to various visualization needs. Currently, the top-to-bottom orientation is widely used; however, introducing a left-to-r...
【Kedro-Viz:用Kedro构建数据科学pipeline的交互式开发工具】'Kedro-Viz - an interactive development tool for building data science pipelines with Kedro' by QuantumBlack Labs GitHub: https:// #开源##数据科学##可视化# ...
command: server /data --console-address ":9001" environment: - MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio - MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minio123 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. services: 1. 初始化项目 可以通过new 以及starter 模式 快速模式 kedro new --name=spaceflights --tools=viz --example=y ...
流水线抽象:自动解析纯Python函数之间的依赖关系,并通过 Kedro-Viz 进行流水线可视化。 编码规范:采用pytest进行测试驱动开发,在 Sphinx 中生成文档良好注释代码,支持flake8、isort和black,并利用标准 Python 日志库编写经过 lint 处理后的代码。 灵活部署:支持单机或分布式部署策略,同时还额外支持在 Argo,Prefect,Kubeflo...
kedro viz Kedro-Viz will then start a local webserver that hosts the interactive visualization of our pipeline. We can access the webserver at the URL listed in the output of the kedro viz command, typically Exploring the visualization, we can see the node ...