Assessment of Potential Rural Participatory Approach Mawai Indah Village District Batu Ampar East Kutai Regency.The purpose of this study was to determine the potential, problems and solving problems in the village Mawai Indah and planning activities that can be done on a village to village economic...
Scale lice have attacked apple fields in 8 villages in Bumiaji District, Batu City, namely Giripurno, Tulungrejo, Pandanrejo, Sumbergondo, Bulukerto, Punten, Gunungsari, and Bumiaji villages since 2005. Knowledge of the biological aspects of this pest can be done using...
Kondisi fisik rumah dan perilaku keluarga dengan kejadian diare akut pada balita di Desa Rambung Merah Kecamatan Siantar Kabupaten Simalungun A group of children under five years old is susceptible and high risk in facing the incident of diarrhea. Primary Health Care of Batu Anam has the highest...
Sebaran Akuifer dan Pola Aliran Air Tanah di kecamatan Batuceper dan Kecamatan benda Kota Tangerang, Propinsi Banten. Jurnal Geologi Indonesia 1.Hadian, M. S., Mardiana, U., Abdurahman, O., Iman, M. I., 2006. Sebaran akuifer dan pola aliran air tanah di Kecamatan Batuceper dan ...
POLA ALIRAN SUMBER DAYA ALAM SEBAGAI BENTUK KETERKAITAN DESA KOTA (STUDI KASUS: PENAMBANGAN PASIR DAN BATU KECAMATAN KEMALANG KABUPATEN KLATEN)Regional development paradigms more emphize to urban development in decades before, that cause urban bias marked by disparities for rural and urban area. ...
This study aims to obtain a description of the coverage area of visitor services Bandar Bandar Buat Kecamatan Lubuk Kilangan Kota Padang and how much influence of pull factors such as: accessibility, and distance, quality, price, completeness and type of goods. The type of this research is des...
PENGEMBANGAN PARIWISATA BERBASIS MASYARAKAT DAN KEARIFAN LOKAL DI DESA JUNREJO KECAMATAN JUNREJO KOTA BATUdoi:10.46799/jst.v3i6.574The Batu City Government is trying to continue to provide encouragement to the community and third parties to develop tourism destinations, so it is ho...
Kecamatan Pinang is located in Kota Tangerang. The region has an important role in the regional development, specially for Kota Tangerang and DKI Jakarta. Nowadays the physical development some part of Kecamatan Pinang is very poor and crowded. There are no building development guidelines that guidin...
ANALISIS TINGKAT KEBERHASILAN PROGRAM KELUARGA HARAPAN (PKH) PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI, PENDIDIKAN DAN KESEHATAN PADA KELUARGA PENERIMA MANFAAT DI KOTA BENGKULU This research was conducted to know the socioeconomic condition, education, and health of PKH recipient in Kampung Melayu of Bengkulu city. The type...
SH Lingga - 《Analisis Pengaruh Sosial Ekonomi Sosial Budaya Dan Lingkungan Geografis Terhadap Tingkat Anak Putus Sekolah Di Kecamatan Purba Kabupaten Simalungun》 被引量: 0 Valuasi ekonomi dampak pencemaran lingkungan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir di Kecamatan Medang Kampai Kota Dumai Pen...