Scale lice have attacked apple fields in 8 villages in Bumiaji District, Batu City, namely Giripurno, Tulungrejo, Pandanrejo, Sumbergondo, Bulukerto, Punten, Gunungsari, and Bumiaji villages since 2005. Knowledge of the biological aspects of this pest can be done using...
SISTEM USAHA INDUSTRI BUNGA DI DESA SENGONAN KECAMATANBUMIAJI KOTA BATU.(Study Di Dusun Sengonan Desa Sumber Gondo Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu) Together with the income, education and knowledge improvement in several societies of Indonesia, agriculture product starts to emerge. The agricultural develo...
ANALISIS TINGKAT KEBERHASILAN PROGRAM KELUARGA HARAPAN (PKH) PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI, PENDIDIKAN DAN KESEHATAN PADA KELUARGA PENERIMA MANFAAT DI KOTA BENGKULU This research was conducted to know the socioeconomic condition, education, and health of PKH recipient in Kampung Melayu of Bengkulu city. The type...
Sebaran Akuifer dan Pola Aliran Air Tanah di kecamatan Batuceper dan Kecamatan benda Kota Tangerang, Propinsi Banten. Jurnal Geologi Indonesia 1.Hadian, M. S., Mardiana, U., Abdurahman, O., Iman, M. I., 2006. Sebaran akuifer dan pola aliran air tanah di Kecamatan Batuceper dan ...
Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sarana dan Prasarana Sekolah Di SMP Negeri 2 Batu The trend of thinking about education suggests that, educational paradigm based on standards were discussed more and more, acknowledged and appreciated. This trend started from the realization that education need...
In the other hand one of ATV programme which called Agropolitan News in the most suitable for those people to fulfillment of society information need because it give a lot of news around Batu and Malang city that other channel couldn?t give. Especially about Batu city problem ATV has packed...
POLA ALIRAN SUMBER DAYA ALAM SEBAGAI BENTUK KETERKAITAN DESA KOTA (STUDI KASUS: PENAMBANGAN PASIR DAN BATU KECAMATAN KEMALANG KABUPATEN KLATEN)Regional development paradigms more emphize to urban development in decades before, that cause urban bias marked by disparities for rural and urban area. ...
Terjadi peningkatan nilai peserta dari pretest ke postest, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengembangan keterampilan guru SD dalam analisis asesmen hasil belajar siswa berbasis teknologi plickers di Kecamatan Ngaliyan Kota Semarang... E Purwanti,S Sulistyorini,N Sismulyasih,... - 《Sarwahita》 被引...
PENGEMBANGAN PARIWISATA BERBASIS MASYARAKAT DAN KEARIFAN LOKAL DI DESA JUNREJO KECAMATAN JUNREJO KOTA BATUdoi:10.46799/jst.v3i6.574The Batu City Government is trying to continue to provide encouragement to the community and third parties to develop tourism destinations, so it is ...
The study aimed to determine the relationship between distance and physical qualities of houses with levels of methane gas inside houses surrounding the fi nal spot waste disposal, the TPAS in Batu Layang Village, North Pontianak year 2015., It was an observational study with a cross sectional ...