IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM BERSIH, SEHAT DAN BERKAH (BERSEKA) DALAM MENGATASI PERMUKIMAN KUMUH DI DESA SUKAJAYA KECAMATAN CIBITUNG KABUPATEN BEKASIdoi:10.59141/japendi.v4i10.2243One of the objectives of the KOTAKU program in 2023 is assistance in increasing the role and strengt...
作者: N Sukadi,M. S. D. A. Sunartinigsih 摘要: Goiter is one of main problem nutrient in Indonesia since some years ago. This disease a lot of found and indication as effect of lower in consume the iodine, is later then recognized with the disease Effect Lacking of Iodine ( GAKY)...
Ngarak Barong, Tradisi Lebaran Betawi dan Strategi Pemertahanan Budaya Masyarakat Etnis Betawi di Kampung Sawah Bekasi: Kajian Semiotika Ngarak Barong or ondel-ondel is the result of an ancient Betawi art called barongan, in the form of a pair of giant dolls in simple shapes, complete wi...
STRATEGI PEMASARAN PAPAIN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PRODUK PENGEMPUK DAGING DI KUB AGROPAPTIN KECAMATAN SUKARAJA, KABUPATEN BOGORThe aims of this study are to analyze the competitive factors in papain industry in Indonesia, to recommend an effective alternative marketing strategy in the attempt to market the ...