Data berupa kalimat-kalimat dalam novel yang menggambarkan kearifan lokal jawara. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu 1) kategorisasi, 2) tabulasi, dan 3) inferensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan representasi sosok jawara yang terdapat pada...
KEARIFAN LOKAL PETANI DALAM UPAYA PENCEGAHAN KEBAKARAN HUTAN DAN LAHAN DI DESA ALIMUKIM KECAMATAN PENGARON KEBUPATEN BANJAR untuk mengumpulkan data tentang informasi karakteristik responden, interaksi langsung dengan petani, pengetahuan dan sikap responden terkait kearifan lokal ... G Rahman,F Rianawa...
Penerapan Ajaran Catur Paramitha Sebagai Kearifan Lokal Bali dalam Pembentukan Karakter Mahasiswa di Lingkungan STKIP Agama Hindu Singaraja 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 3 作者: I Susanti 摘要: This study aims at investigating the implementation of Catur Pamaitha trough life experiences of ...
The sidewalk vendors are invited to discuss the relocation of their trading sites in harmony through kirab boyongan `the process of relocation' without any violence. Alon-alon waton kelakon `slow but sure to reach the goal' is a strategic policy managed by the Mayor of Surakarta. It takes ...
local genious, mahavana, agrotourismIt is a fact that the people in Jatiluwih together with local government of Tabananbr /Regency have been conserving 1.299,687 hectars of their forest. It was motivated since thebr /forest has a vital role on producing fresh air and water for local people...
So it is necessary to develop a sustainable sago development model based on local wisdom.PartiniNoer, MelindaSuliansyah, IrfanDevianto, DodiJurnal Agribisains
There are a lot of moral values in folklore, especially minwa, one them is the value to return the favor or ongaeshi.doi:10.21512/humaniora.v4i1.3441Linda UnsrianaHumanioraUnsriana, Linda. 2013. "Nilai Kearifan Lokal dalam Cerita Rakyat Jepang (Minwa)". Humaniora. 4(1): 310- 317....
EKSISTENSI KEARIFAN LOKAL DAYAK DALAM MENDUKUNG MODERASI BERAGAMA DI DESA TUMBANG LITING KABUPATEN KATINGANdoi:10.59188/jcs.v3i5.705Religious moderation is a religious perspective, attitude, and behavior that is adhered to and applied by most people, from the past until now. Carrying...
Peran Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Perikanan Danau Bangkau: Kasus Desa Bangkau Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan, Kalimantan SelatanLocal ethnic communities residing in the Bangkau village of Banjar and the livelihood of fish and other freshwater biota. They live on the ...
Pertimbangan Aspek Sosial Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal dalam Pengembangan Kawasan Danau Tempe Provinsi Sulawesi SelatanOne of the potential regions in South Sulawesi Province is Tempe Lake region. The socio-cultural conditions of the local community can be an interesting matter to become a foundation in ...