Prepare for KCET 2023: Karnataka Common Entrance Test. Get exam details, eligibility, syllabus, and FAQs. Stay updated with KEA UGCET dates, admit card, results, and counselling for admission.
Applicants can download the admit card of KCET 2022 from candidate login. The credentials required for KCET hall ticket download 2022 are registration number and date of birth. TheKarnataka CET 2022 exam dateis from June 16 to 18. Candidates who filled the application form before the last date...
CET Admit Cards Now on KEA Website: 1.45 Lakh Students to Appear for ExamSamuel, Sangeetha
KCET 2023 rank card was released by KEA on June 15, 2023. Check cut-off category-wise for the general category, OBC, etc.