Passage 1. (1) Winter in some places is very cold. Snow covers the ground and ponds and lakes freeze. Many animals can’t find the food they need to survive, so they migrate—from the Latin migrans “to move from one place to another.” They go to warmer places where food is still...
中医贴敷是利用天然的药物或者尼落等材料贴敷在患处或者穴位上,通过透皮吸收或借助穴位的刺激进行治病的方法,他的途径直接用药安全使用,简便取材广泛,副作用小,疗效不错。可治疗咳嗽、气喘,鼻炎,高血压等疾病。 中医贴敷疗法,属于中医外治法之一,有悠久历史,广泛应用于内、外,妇、儿科各个领域的疾病。根据患者症状...