Released in 2008, "Haru Haru" features popular actress Park Min-young, renowned for dramas like “City Hunter,”“Marry My Husband,” etc. YOO IN NA – TELL ME GOODBYE “TELL ME GOODBYE” starred YG Stage’s actress and GOBLIN’s star YOO IN NA. CHA SOO ...
This is just one of the dramas where you just want to watch something light and funny and sweet. No major drama as far as i can remmeber. Didnt really like the ost much except forDan Han Bun Ee Ra Do – Kim Ba Da (Butterfly Effect)Thats why i used it in my video clip hehe. ...
Later, after Seongnam has presumably scrambled up a cliff, it’s time for some enforced brotherly bonding. Bogum is a straight-laced nerd who’s in bed before nine. Seongnam is a Joseon jock with his mother’s taste for burning the midnight oil. It’s like a buddy comedy, except one ...
and alternately moody and wistful. I felt like while the OST worked to make my watch immersive, it also added a layer of surreality – and occasionally, poetry – to an otherwise melancholic narrative.”– and I still stand by it today. ...