Pachinko 2 is an epic generational tale that chronicles the life of a woman (Kim Min Ha/Youn Yuh Jung) who fell in love during the Japanese occupation of Korea and eventually has to leave her homeland and try to survive. Pachinko 2 is scheduled to premiere August 23 on Apple TV+. Other...
When I watch on my laptop I get a different sub compared to when I watch on my TV bus AppleTV!! I have seen different subs for certain scenes. This has been weird. So I watch it twice at a minimum. But yeah, one of those dramas where knowing the language would have been great....
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree so why not have the same fate as the tree's. Since we are on the succession topic, I don't see a reason why Lee In can't be allowed to breathe on the throne in peace by Hee-soo. He is the late King's brother and the son of the ...