To figure out exactly how much you will earn for your paperback book, you can use Amazon’s printing cost calculator or this handy equation: (Royalty rate x list price) – printing costs = royaltyFor example, your list price is $15. Your book is a 333-page paperback with black ink ...
The KDP Select program is curated by Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing to help authors earn more money and reach a greater audience at zero additional cost. All authors are eligible for this program, regardless of their location. Some of its benefits are: Higher Royalties– Your eBook is elig...
you have to pay for the printing cost. There are alsoadditional per page costs, depending on the marketplace you’re selling in. Fortunately, Amazon has acalculatorthat calculates how much your estimated royalty is.
Covers are much fussier and have to wait until you have a final page count (to determine the spine thickness); the best way to do your first cover or two is to enter the numbers in the spine-width calculator and download the template it generates. (You can actually lay that image ...
Step-by-step guide (Word for Mac) Step-by-step guide (Pages) Manuscript templates File setup calculator Print cost and royalty calculator Cover formatting resources eBook Design a basic cover with ourCover Creatortool. See a guide with detailedfile type, size, and color requirements. ...
Amazon KDP publishing cost & royalties So what are the costs associated with Amazon self-publishing? And how much do authors earn when they sell their book through Amazon KDP? How much are other books earning in your niche? What about the payment schedule? In this section, we’ll answer ...
The Cost of Self-Publishing in 2023 Get an inside look at 2023 rates for professional self-publishing services. Audiobooks: Up to 40% Much like the print and ebook options, royalties for your audiobooks depend partly on which distribution option an author chooses. Amazon favors ACX, their own...
To figure out exactly how much you will earn for your paperback book, you can use Amazon’sprinting cost calculatoror this handy equation: (Royalty rate x list price) – printing costs = royalty For example, your list price is $15. Your book is a 333-page paperback with black ink sold...
Covers are much fussier and have to wait until you have a final page count (to determine the spine thickness); the best way to do your first cover or two is to enter the numbers in the spine-width calculator and download the template it generates. (You can actually lay that image ...
Amazon KDP publishing cost & royalties So what are the costs associated with Amazon self-publishing? And how much do authors earn when they sell their book through Amazon KDP? How much are other books earning in your niche? What about the payment schedule? In this section, we’ll answer ...