Describe the issue Windows 11 (22H2) - trying to ./kdmapper valthrun-driver.sys returning errors. At Windows 10 its working correctly - but not for my Windows 11 (22H2). To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: open powershell as ad...
Tested fromWindows 10 1607toWindows 11 26100.1882✔️ Update mainly done for UnknownCheats Forum KDMapper is a simple tool that exploits iqvw64e.sys Intel driver to manually map non-signed drivers in memory ...
其使用的是ZwMapViewOfSection将物理内存映射到进程空间。由于使用了物理内存,在代码过程中会遇到物理页面和虚拟页面不一一对应的问题,问题说明及解决办法见《KdMapper扩展中遇到的相关问题》。 3.5 取消映射物理内存 __int64 __fastcallUnmapPhysicalMemory(void* hSection,void* pUnmapAddress) { NTSTATUS ntStatus...
Tested fromWindows 10 1607to currentWindows 11 22449.1✔️ Update mainly done for UnknownCheats Forum KDMapper is a simple tool that exploits iqvw64e.sys Intel driver to manually map non-signed drivers in memory ...
Tested from Windows 10 1607 to Windows 11 26100.1882 ✔️ Update mainly done for UnknownCheats Forum KDMapper is a simple tool that exploits iqvw64e.sys Intel driver to manually map non-signed drivers in memory Note: Add definition ...
KdMapper是一个利用intel的驱动漏洞可以无痕的加载未经签名的驱动,本文是利用其它漏洞(参考《【转载】利用签名驱动漏洞加载未签名驱动》)做相应的修改以实现类似功能。需要大家对KdMapper的代码有一定了解。 2.驱动信息 3.IDA分析 3.1 入口函数: NTSTATUS __stdcallDriverEntry(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, PUNICO...
KdMapper是一个利用intel的驱动漏洞可以无痕的加载未经签名的驱动,本文是利用其它漏洞(参考《【转载】利用签名驱动漏洞加载未签名驱动》)做相应的修改以实现类似功能。需要大家对KdMapper的代码有一定了解。 2.驱动信息 3.IDA分析 3.1 入口函数: NTSTATUS __stdcallDriverEntry(_DRIVER_OBJECT* DriverObject, PUNI...
Tested fromWindows 10 1607to currentWindows 11 22000✔️ Update mainly done for UnknownCheats Forum KDMapper is a simple tool that exploits iqvw64e.sys Intel driver to manually map non-signed drivers in memory ...
Tested from Windows 10 1607 to Windows 11 22449.1 ✔️ Update mainly done for UnknownCheats Forum KDMapper is a simple tool that exploits iqvw64e.sys Intel driver to manually map non-signed drivers in memory Note: Add definition DISA...