根目录下编译,根目录如下,编译指令:catkin_make 但是此时没有install安装空间,因此添加命令: catkin_make install 3、创建功能包:catkin_create_pkg test_pkg std_msgs rospy roscpp(在src文件夹下) ①可以在src文件夹下编译catkin_make; ②设置环境变量:source devel/setup.bash ROS 相机节点 安装 确保有目录:...
If catkin is not available then the library should install a kdl_parser-config.cmake and kdl_parser-config-version.cmake. If you would be willing to make the changes then it would make sense to start it from the melodic-devel branch. Might as well bump up the minimum cmake version ...
pipx install kdl-py When installed, a kdlreformat command-line program is also made available, which can canonicalize a KDL document. See below for options. Using The kdl.parse(str, parseConfig|None) function parses, you guessed it, a string of KDL into a KDL document object: import kdl...