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guit_em9 - a lovely guitar arpeggio over Em9 Bug Fixes Namespace live_loop fn and thread names to stop them clashing with standard user defined threads and fns. GUI no longer crashes when you start a line with a symbol. with_fx now returns the result of the block Kill zombie scsynth...
In-Game Purchases Are you in search of a new 3D adventure? Want this 3D quest to be logic and exploration-based, instead of being based on violence? Well, you are at the right place, as The Elements of Senses is a new 3D RPG puzzle & adventure logic quest puzzle where you n...
描述 Play "Down in a Hole", "Heaven Beside You", "No Excuses", "Nutshell", and "Rooster" by Alice in Chains on any electric guitar. Each song includes a new Authentic Tone. NOTE: Rocksmith® 2014 game disc is required for play. Music credits available at www.rocksmith.com. ...
Terry Muska - Milan 专辑:Vihuela Fantasies - Roots Of The Classical Guitar Series 歌手:Terry Muska 还没有歌词哦
Terry Muska - Luis De Narvaez 专辑:Vihuela Fantasies - Roots Of The Classical Guitar Series 歌手:Terry Muska 还没有歌词哦
《那不勒斯舞曲》,精彩的古乐器演奏。使用的都是古乐器,巴洛克guitar、巴洛克harp、索尔特里琴,以及大提琴的前身viola da gamba等。 Tarantella Napoletana, Tono Hypodorico. from Athanasius Kircher 1602 - 1608Christina Pluhar - baroque harpEero Palviainen - baroque guitarPaulina v ...
本站吉他谱多数为GTP格式,为标准六线谱,需先下载安装软件Guitar Pro才能打开,钢琴谱通常为OVE谱,为标准五线谱,需下载安装overtrue软件才能打开。在打开前请先使用Winrar解压缩。 各位热心的简谱爱好者或简谱使用者如果发现这个版本的追光者简谱有错误,回复该简谱通知乐谱网,我们将尽快更正。如果您自己编配有新的[简谱...
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Terry Muska - Mudarra 专辑:Vihuela Fantasies - Roots Of The Classical Guitar Series 歌手:Terry Muska 还没有歌词哦