然后你会看见系统能够自动加载桌面环境了,在SDDM下输入你之前设置的系统用户名和密码(上一篇)(这里我非常不建议你用root或admin用户登陆,用普通日常用户登陆就行),即可进入KDE Plasma桌面。 哇~~再也不是那个黑乎乎的单调的命令行界面了,KDE美观大气的设计会令你耳目一新,而且桌面的响应速度丝毫不卡。好了,到这里...
Virtual keyboard on Log In and Lock Screen KDE Plasma 5.10 改进了对触摸屏的支持。虚拟键盘现在在屏幕锁定和登录屏幕时都启用;并且已经实现左右边缘滑动手势,以便更容易在窗口之间切换并显示自动隐藏面板。 其他值得关注的改进 Media controls on lock screen Music pauses when system suspends Software Centre Plasm...
Adjust system settings such as display resolution, keyboard shortcuts, and power management options. Set System Preferences If you have any questions or want to share more info with us, you can use the comment section. Have you tried KDE Plasma on your Linux system? What do you think about...
KDE Plasma add-on, that tiles your windows automatically and lets you manage them via keyboard, similarly to i3, Sway or dwm. linuxkdeplasmatilingdesktopwindow-managerwindowtiling-window-managerwaylandkwinkcmkwin-scriptkde-plasma UpdatedMay 23, 2024 ...
Virtual touchpad: Use your phone screen as your computer's touchpad and keyboard. Presentation remote: Advance your presentation slides straight from your phone. Run Commands: Run shell commands on your computer from your phone. Access SMS: Read, send and reply to SMS and MMS from your computer...
The reason this awareness is useful is we can right-click on a widget to bring up a menu of actions. These actions involve removing the widget from the desktop, configuring it, or moving it. Plasma also presents us with the option of selecting “show alternatives.” Taking this “altern...
Some of the problems I ran into after installingkde-desktop-plasmaare described here so that you can use them if you run into the same ones. Virtual keyboard shows up while logging in KDE At a time of logging, if you are getting a virtual keyboard display on a screen like shown in the...
Valve is hugely improving the gaming space on Linux, (eventually, hopefully) removing a blocker for a lot of people. And by running KDE Plasma, tons of people will gain exposure to our software when they use the device docked with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse–because yes, you can do...
In the opposite direction, you can put Plasma on a TV. This initiative goes by the name ofPlasma Bigscreen. Here you can have an interface more akin to what you see on smart TVs, with the ability to navigate using a keyboard and mouse or a TV remote. ...