Updated:October 8, 2021 Hot off the heels of myFedora 34 KDEtesting, I downloaded a new ISO of neon and promptly booted it on my IdeaPad 3. There were several reasons why I wanted this done. Primarily, I wanted to compare it to my KDE experience in Fedora, including verifying the pres...
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My wife has been happily using KDE Neon on her laptop for two years, but I had to do the initial installation. Normal people want their computers to just work, not endlessly fiddle around with settings to make things functional that should have been so out of the box in the first place....
3. KDE Neon KDE Neonis a community-based operating system now rebased onUbuntu 20.04.KDE Neonships with the latestPlasmaexperience from theKDEcommunity combined with the stability and security of a Ubuntu LTS release. This makes it the ideal system to go for when trying out or testing the m...
The Bluetooth applet’s tooltipno longer displays the wrong name of the currently connected device. I originallyfixed this 9 months ago in Plasma 5.19.1 butsomehow the fix was never merged into Plasma 5.20, so it got broken again. That has now been corrected (me: Nate Graham with help fro...