See also: SDL12COMPAT_ALLOW_THREADED_DRAWS: (checked during SDL_Init) Enabled by default. If disabled, calls to SDL_UpdateRects() from non-main threads are converted into requests for the main thread to carry out the update later. ...
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See 'Wiki' for version history and release notes. Bugs and Enhancements If you have a bug or feature request, please feel free to submit a new issue on GitHub. Feel free to submit Pull Requests for consideration as well. A list of longer term considerations: Add 'last export' date and ...
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Learn TechNet Wiki Archive Add Print Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Email Kerberos Error Code: 0x7 KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN (dsforum2wiki)Article 01/17/2024 This issue can occur if no SPN has been set for a specific service, please refer to the resolutions in the section...
KDC电源开关适用于彩色电视广播接收机用按钮式、自锁单复位、全极电源开关。供彩色电视广播接收机及类似的电子设备中作电源通断用。目录 技术参数 技术参数 1.间隙:≥2.5mm 2.爬电距离:相邻两刀之间≥4.0mm,导电零件与金属支架之间≥4.0mm。 3.动作力:4.5±1.5N。 4.绝缘电阻:初始值≥500MΩ。试验后≥...
INDIA 2017 : Knoweldge-driven Computing (KDC) Special Session at INDIA-2017 International Conferencesireesharodda
可以看到kdc有一个主进程和3个子进程。修改成功。 参考文献 KDC worker processes feature · krb5/krb5@62c814a ( Projects/Parallel KDC - K5Wiki ( 7.4. 调整 krb5kdc 进程的数量 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 | Red Hat Customer Portal...
SQL Kerberos的原理及实验 参考文献 Microsoft SQL Server企业级平台管理实践 Kerberos Explained Kerberos (protocol)wiki 正文 这一周一直在研究kerberos的原理,并做了一些实验,现在做一下总结。 首先我们要知道,SQL Server中的验证机制。SQL Server有两种验证机制,一种是windows验证,还有一种是SQ...Windows...