Use CEC version firmware 0.25 or later of uBITX. The following examples are based on version 0.27. We will post the 0.27 version as the test ends. All of the examples below only describe connections to uBITX. Please refer to the manual or other documents for how to use the program. uBITX...
Introducing UV-K5 Version 0.3Q (Stable version, added FT8 QSO) Version 0.3Q is mostly the same as version 0.3C. If you are already using 0.3C and do not plan to run FT8, no update is required. Since 0.3C was tested by several beta testers and there were no major problems, we onl...
Release DVPi 0.7 - Installing on Micro SD card & First boot DVPi DVPi is a client program that communicates with DVSwitch.Please be aware of the licenses that arise when installing and using DVSwitch. Follow the instructions that appear when installing DVSwitch or the instructions on the DVSwit...