产品名称 腹腔内窥镜手术系统 型号规格 KD-SR-01 产品描述 / 注册证编号或者备案凭证编号 国械注准20223010762 医疗器械注册人/备案人名称 苏州康多机器人有限公司 统一社会信息代码 9132050508934890XP 主键编号 1697294870000120221008031805538 最小销售单元产品标识 ...
To investigate the feasibility, validity and security of a new robot platform called KD-SR-01 and compare relative merits of KD-SR-01 robotic partial nephrectomy (KD-RPN) and 3D-Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy (3D-LPN).#Twelve porcine models were randomly and equally divided for KD-RPN and ...
烟台市莱阳中心医院 好评-- 接诊量412 同行认可99 从业23年 专业有效 耐心细致 问题描述:近视300度,怎样才能矫正到正常视力,且副作用不是很大,我想参军,求建议(女,18岁) 分析及建议: 意见详情:近视矫正用0K镜或做飞秒激光手术 咨询时间: 2016-02-21 ...
Although the KD-SR has achieved some results comparable to the da Vinci surgical robot in urology and colorectal surgery, its performance in complex head and neck regions remains untested. This study evaluated the feasibility, effectiveness, and safety of the newly developed KD-SR-01, comparing ...
KD-SR-01partial nephrectomyretroperitoneal approachsurgical robotTo present our experiences with partial nephrectomy (PN) through retroperitoneal approach (RP) with the Kangduo robotic system.#From December 2020 to February 2021, the perioperative data of 11 patients underwent PN through RP with the ...
Background: To investigate the feasibility, validity and security of a new robot platform called KD-SR-01 and compare relative merits of KD-SR-01 robotic partial nephrectomy (KD-RPN) and 3D-Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy (3D-LPN). Methods: Twelve porcine models were randomly and equally ...