PURPOSE:To obtain a protein, having a specific amino acid sequence and a specified molecular weight and capable of breeding a carrot with an increased protein content. CONSTITUTION:This protein has an amino acid sequence expressed by sequence table I and 16kD molecular weight. Furthermore, the pr...
发明人: B Maurizio,マウリツィオ ベレッタ 摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To produce different types of coffee on the same machine without involving a diminution in the quality of coffee or without any long waiting times for start-up and calibrating operations.收藏...
摘要: 绿色地质勘查是地质勘查与绿色发展观念的重要实践,实施绿色勘查不但要有配套的技术规范和要求,也需要相应的科学勘查方法,并建立相应的模型,下面,本文就针对绿色地质勘查综合技术应用进行浅析,为今后的绿色地质勘查提供一些可借鉴意义.关键词:绿色地质勘查 综合技术 应用研究 ...
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Customs Union, the paradox of the EU customs sanctioning system in a fully harmonized field such as EU customs law, generates questions about its impact to the efficient management of the Customs Union including the impact on to the EU duty reco...
摘要: 祖冲之(429-500),字文远,范阳郡道县(今河北省深水县)人.南北朝时期杰出的数学家,天文学家,著有《安边论》《缀术》《述异记》《历议》等.他一生钻研自然科学,其主要贡献在数学,天文历法和机械制造三方面.他在刘徽开创的探索圆周率的精确方法的基础上,将"圆周率"精算到小数点后第七位.关键词:...