翻盘攻略来啦! 在英国的KCL大学,硕士学位(Master Degree)和学士学位(Bachelor Degree)是两种常见的学位类型。如果你在硕士学位期间挂科过多,或者因为其他原因无法顺利完成学业,你的学位可能会被降级为diploma或certificate。这两种证书并不被视为学位,而是你在英国接受教育的证明,无法进行学位认证。 🔍 学术申诉:在困境...
🏠📚 最近,我终于拿到了伦敦国王学院(KCL)的录取通知,而且是通过在线网课的形式哦!🎉 宅家也能读国际名校,享受与线下留学生同样的资源,真的太爽了!📅 Online Master的优势: 全程在线网课,时间灵活,周末上课 不用出国,在职读,不耽误正常工作 毕业拿正规master degree学位 证书上没有任何“online”字样🔍 ...
Ü 简介: Double Master degree in Leeds 联系请加微信ukalvin 9年留学行业经验 ... 更多a 微关系 他的关注(315) 飞哥说留学 这视频 小红书客服 微博专栏 他的粉丝(6万) Clinton_Zhang 丶素颜锦时p_whu Coookieee_kim 巴厘岛的星光 查看更多 a 微博...
2:1 Class Bachelor (Honours) degree Weighted Average of 80% (prestigious)Weighted Average of 85% A 'prestigious institution' is one which is classified as by UK ENIC or within the Project 211/Double First Class list of institutions. You will be a stronger candidate for admission if you have...
Thecandidate Applicants should have, or expect to have, an integrated Master’s (e.g., MSci) with first-class honours or upper division second-class honours (2:1), or a BSc plus Master’s (MSc) degree with Merit or Distinction in Physics, Biophysics, Applied Mathematics, or related subje...
BInternational Financial & Commercial Law LLM国际金融与商业法985/211大学平均分要求80%以上其他大学85%以上Band BInternational Financial Law LLM国际金融法985/211大学平均分85%以上其他大学88%以上Band BInternational Tax LLM国际税法985/211大学平均分85%以上其他大学88%以上Band BMaster of Laws LLM法律硕士985...
2:1 A 2:1 Honours degree or an equivalent qualification in an area relevant to culture or education. Lower undergraduate grades will be considered in exceptional circumstances, and only when combined with work experience in the cultural sector. 文化,教育相关背景 专业简介 艺术与文化环境教育硕士课程...
Master's in Management管理学硕士 官网 http://www.lse.ac.uk/study-at-lse/Graduate/Degree-programmes-2020/Masters-in-Management 入学信息 学费:£33,360 语言: 7.0(reading&listening&writing&speaking6.5) 入学要求:undergraduate degree with upper second class honours (2.1) or above, or international ...
“For programmes within the King's Business School and the Master of Laws (LLM) programme, please note that offers will usually only be made to applicants from universities considered prestigious by UK ENIC at the point of assessment. ” ...
语言要求:雅思总分 6.5(阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.0、听力6.0) 官网链接:Marketing Management Master's Degree | University of Southampton http://weixin.qq.com/r/lkjWzkDEZx0YrQSt9x2E (二维码自动识别)