New Zealand’s online gambling scene has witnessed a significant shift with the emergence of $1 minimum deposit casinos, gaining a strong foothold among gambling enthusiasts. These platforms have broken the mold of traditional online gambling by offering a more flexible, affordable, and accessible gam...
New Zealand’s online gambling scene has witnessed a significant shift with the emergence of $1 minimum deposit casinos, gaining a strong foothold among gambling enthusiasts. These platforms have broken the mold of traditional online gambling by offering a more flexible, affordable, and accessible gam...
KCLS, along with the Chicago Public Library, had been part of an earlier pilot with BiblioCommons that added contextual promotions to catalog search results using linked metadata. Wasserman explained the earlier pilot with a brief demo, noting that “the user, you can see, has performed a sear...
To access a ChemInform of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a "Full Text" option. The original article is trackable via the "References" option.J.Inst.BERNARDInst.J.Inst.BLESSINGInst.J.Inst.SCHUMMERInst.W.Inst.FREYLAND...
The variation of surface enhanced Raman scattering was observed as a small amount of KCl was added in SERS system and the intensity ratio of characteristic Raman peaks was detected for two kinds of molecules. In addition the change of orientation of adso
Keywords: 粘度b系数,流动活化参数,相互作用,偏摩尔体积 Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstract: 报导了在298.15及308.15k下,nacl、kcl在含有蔗糖5,10,15,20,25%(质量分数w)的水溶液中的密度及粘度数据.计算了在无限稀释条件下,nacl和kcl在该体系中的粘度b系数及偏摩尔体积.结果发现:两种电...
Article Open access 10 May 2024 Data availability The MS data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE (add reference: partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD017083 (Reviewer account details: username: reviewer92263@ebi...
Int. J. Quantum Chem., 1: 611–614. doi: 10.1002/qua.560010663 Author Information The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Publication History Issue published online: 18 JUN 2009 Article first published online: 18 JUN 2009...
To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a "Full Text" option. The original article is trackable via the "References" option.doi:10.1002/chin.199322014J. BERNARDInst. Phys. Chem. Elektrochem., Univ. Karlsruhe, W-7500 Karlsruhe, GermanyJ. ...
Precipitation of Barium Sulfate in a Semi-Batch Stirred Tank Reactor: Influence of Feeding Policy on Particle Size and Morphology; Universitätsbibl Otto von Guericke University Library: Magdeburg, Germany, 2012. [Google Scholar] Jones, A.G.; Budz, J.; Mullin, J.W. Batch Crystallization and...