堪萨斯城心肌病问卷-12( Kansas City cardiomyopathy questionnaire,KCCQ-12 )评分通过12个问题对患者的症状发作频率、身体局限性、社交局限性、生活质量四个方面进行量化评估,根据这四个方面的平均得分得出总评分(Overall Summary Score,OSS),根据身体局限性和症状发作频率方面的平均得分得出临床总评分(图1)。评分范围为...
本分析的其他项目包括KCCQ物理活动限制(PLS,pgysical limitations)和生活质量(QoL,quality of life)得分;以及包含身体功能和症状项目的临床综合评分(CSS,clinical summary score),以及所有项目(总症状评分、身体功能、生活质量和社会功能)的KCCQ总综合评分(OSS,overall summary score)(图2)。对于每个项目,其有效性、可...
Using the selected items, we calculated summary scores for each of the 4 scales, and an overall summary score as the average of the 4 scale scores. (As in the full KCCQ, scores were rescaled so that 0 denotes the worst and 100 the best possible health status.) Finally, in independent ...
Using the selected items, we calculated summary scores for each of the 4 scales, and an overall summary score as the average of the 4 scale scores. (As in the full KCCQ, scores were rescaled so that 0 denotes the worst and 100 the best possible health status.) Finally, in independent ...
堪萨斯城心肌病问卷-12( Kansas City cardiomyopathy questionnaire,KCCQ-12 )评分通过12个问题对患者的症状发作频率、身体局限性、社交局限性、生活质量四个方面进行量化评估,根据这四个方面的平均得分得出总评分(Overall Summary Score,OSS),根据身体局限性和症状发作频率方面的平均得分得出临床总评分(图1)。评分范围为...
The KCCQ-12 scores significantly correlated with ejection fraction, New York Heart Association class, quality of life, anxiety, depression, symptom burden, and the KCCQ-23 Overall Summary score, which adequately supported the convergent validity of the KCCQ-12. Measurement invariance was confirmed at...