良好农业规范(GAP)认证:果蔬模块和大田模块。 有机和GAP认证获得CNAS的认可,标志着KCB在产品认证领域的技术和服务能力又上一个新台阶。我们将再接再厉,继续秉持“传递信任、服务发展”的理念,一如既往的为客户创造价值、传递信任,为国家认证认可事业的发展做出更大的贡献。
3.6 KCB 要求内部和外部的人员告知他们所了解的任何可能使其或认证机构陷入利益冲突的情况.KCB 记 录并利用这些信息识别他们或其所在单位的活动对公正性产生的威胁,且在他们能够证明没有利益冲突之 后再使用这些内部或外部人员. 3.7 KCB 不将检查外包给认证咨询机构. 3.8 KCB 所有可以影响认证活动的人员(内部或外部...
KCB齒輪油泵廠家 更多> 泊頭市興鑫機械加工廠 主營產品: 聯軸器 聯軸器配件 油泵 經營範圍: 其他五金配件 其他機械五金 其他五金工具 軸承 經營模式: 生產制造 供應產品: 19 條 [河北省 滄州市] 泊頭市優源石油設備制造有限公司 主營產品: 齒輪油泵 渣油泵重油煤焦油泵 離心式熱油泵 經營範圍: 工程...
KCB SS Gear Pumps Data Sheet: Model Flow outlet pressure Mpa NPSHrm Inlet/Outletmm Speed Motor kw m3/h L/min KCB-18.3 1.1 18.3 1.45 5 G3/4“ 1400 1.5 KCB-33.3 2 33.3 1.45 5 G3/4“ 1420 2.2 KCB-55 3.3 55 0.33 5 G1″ 1400 1.5 KCB-83.3 5 83.3 0.33 5 G1/2“ 1420 2.2 ...
ChemicalBook provide 6 suppliers and manufacturers of Brightener KCB in China. Welcome online inquiry and buy Brightener KCB
It has the same structure and function of Chinese gear pumps as KCB series. It can be used in pump all kinds of oil. The sizes are arranged from small one 0.5" to very big one as 5". Pump like this kind is a basic pump in the petroleum industry and many other in...
卡拉宝China 21-04-26 01:21 来自荣耀20S 恭喜@曼城足球俱乐部 连续四年捧起#卡拉宝杯#!四连霸,舍我其谁! û收藏 3 2 ñ22 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...广州卡拉宝饮料有限公司 ...
It has the same structure and function of Chinese gear pumps as KCB series. It can be used in pump all kinds of oil. The sizes are arranged from small one 0.5" to very big one as 5". Pump like this kind is a basic pump in the petroleum industry and many other industries refers ...
Products OPTICAL BRIGHTENER TRUELICHT KCB CAS:5089-22-5, the detailed information and prices are supplied by the China manufacturer Qingdao Truelight functional Material Technology Co., Ltd., and can be found on the site www.chemicalbook.com
China Shandong warranty 18 months customized support OEM brand name BIOBASE model number BKCB-1500 material / size 2000*3000*2530mm capacity / External Size(W*D*H) 2000*3000*2530mm HEPA Filters 2000*3000*2530mm Consumption 1500W FFU Nos. 6 pcs Clean Level ISO 5 (Class 100), Class A Co...