The KC-46A tanker is approved by the U.S. Air Force for global deployments, including combat operations. With more in service globally than any tanker except the Boeing-built KC-135, the KC-46A is delivering fuel, data and multi-mission capability for the U.S. and allies around the glob...
The Boeing KC-46A Pegasus tanker programme is in danger of suffering further setbacks in addition to the 12-month delay already experienced in the delivery of the first fully capable aircraft to the US Air Force (USAF), an official US government report has noted. A Government Accountability ...
目前二等人的KC-46A(KC-X)采购计划至2031年(推迟了两年)结束,计划采购数为183架(Boeing希望增加5架)。 之后的加油机采购将转向KC-135 RECAP(即原来的KC-Y/Bridge Tanker)——需要重新招标。不过目前KC-135 RECAP项目并不稳固,可能直接被砍掉而将重心转移到真正的下一代加油机概念NGAS。之前二等人就有直接再...
Boeing's KC-46A Pegasus tanker is now approved for worldwide deployment, including in support of combat operations, according to the U.S. Air Force's Air Mobility Command (AMC). The KC-46A offloaded 1.46 million pounds of fuel to 66 aircraft over the cou
The Boeing and U.S. Air Force team successfully completed the first flight of a KC-46A tanker aircraft on Sept. 25, taking off from Paine Field at 1:24 p.m. (PST) and landing four hours later at Boeing Field in Seattle.
Boeing - KC-46A Pegasus Tanker Aircraft First Flight [720p]波音-KC-46A Pegasus“飞马”加油机首飞[720p]———译者注:该视频实际是2014年12月29日波音767-200商用货机型号波音767-2C的首飞,并不是改装完成后的KC-46A的首飞。———波音767-2
Boeing's first KC-46A tanker aircraft scheduled for delivery to the US Air Force completed its maiden flight today. At 10:32 am PST, the two-engine aircraft based on the 767 airframe took off from Paine Field for a test flight lasting three hours and 30
The U.S. Air Force has accepted the first Boeing KC-46A aerial refueling tanker aircraft. 美国空军已接收第一架波音KC-46A空中加油机。 Boeing said the first four of the KC-46A Pegasus tankers will be delivered to the McConnell base by the end of the m
ByChuck Oldham (Editor)- March 14, 2016 A Boeing KC-46A tanker carries out the Pegasus’ first aerial refueling of a Marine Corps Harrier. Boeing photo by John D. Parker The KC-46A Pegasus tanker continues to broaden the range of aircraft it has refueled during testing, with the successful...